Thursday, July 5, 2012

7-4-12 Lemons to Lemonade

July 3rd was one of THOSE days which culminated in me getting in my car about an hour and half before rehearsal only to find it wasn't working.

So... another reason to always plan on getting to rehearsal early...  you don't know what crazy transportation problems may occur. 

I got to rehearsal about 20 minutes early (Taxi) and did tried my best to "leave it at the door."  Leave the crappy day at the door.  I did a poor job of it at first.  All I could focus on were the car issues and how I was going to get home etc. 

But one of the cool things about acting...  you lock in and it will take over.  All of the sudden 20 minutes would pass and I'd realize I hadn't thought about it.  30 minutes... nothing...  It was nice.  Sometimes it is nice to live in a make-believe world of problems instead of a real world of problems.  And even though Cassio was getting his leg slashed open over and over and over, at least he didn't have to worry about cars. hahaha

This is not my car.  Nor is that my hotel in the background.  But this is what my car looks like.  And I bet the one in the picture works.

Anyway... by the time I got home... and tried once again to fix my car (which is always a bit dangerous hahaha) I really didn't feel like typing much of a blog entry so I just posted those show posters/images.  I'm guessing that the "green-eyd monster" one might be the back cover of the program.

So... July 4th.  Kind of stranded.  No auto shops were open.  Can't really bounce around without a car.  Wasn't really in the mood to trek down the street in 100 degree heat to see if the Steak and Shake was open.  I was a bit bummed. 

Then I realized that I am REALLY going to be down if I suck as Cassio.  So I got over the car and the woe-is-me garbage and started to work.  Went for a run... lifted... lines... "danced"... looked over some objectives/actions...  and a little dip in the pool which has nothing to do with Cassio but is nice.  haha  Watched some hot dog eating contest action... a little bit of chatting with people.  Ready for action tomorrow.

Last night we worked the "fight" that takes place in part two.  It is really only about 4 moves but I do get to do a little cape and sword action which is fun.  If you are going up against a sword or a knife, a cape or jacket is a very effective type of shield.  Hopefully you never get mugged but if someone pulls a knife on you, your jacket is a good defense tool.  That's what happens to Cassio...  Roderigo attacks him and Cassio's jacket in some way is used to minimize the attack.  Cassio kills Roderigo but Iago sneaks up behind Cassio during the action and freaking hamstrings him.  This was a common move in swordfights.  You slice the back of the opponents leg as hard as you can hopefully cutting through the tendons and major arteries.  The leg is immobilized and you might bleed to death.  In the bible they actually mention doing this to horses of opposing armies...  that is just mean. 

We only have 9 more rehearsals until we move into the performance space.  And once we move to the performance space, rehearsals really won't be about acting anymore.  They will be about lighting and sound and spacing and timing entrances etc.  So, there's no time to get stupid about a car... 

Shout out of the day goes to our production assistant who thankfully lives about 5 minutes from the hotel and is giving me rides to/from rehearsal until the Charger is fixed.

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