Monday, July 16, 2012

7-16-12 Coaster's movin' faster...

Thursday we did a run of the show.  Not sure what the exact time was but the "coaster" was not clipping along. 

Friday was off

Saturday was some specific scene work

Sunday we did a run... and the show just started cooking.  You could see it man.  The limited cuts that people made really made difference... the intensity that actors were finding really added an additional drive... it was exciting. 

It wasn't that 70 mile an hour coaster... but we jumped from 50 to 60.  The entire show, with intermission, ran about 3 hours and 8 minutes.  Granted... with a thousand people in the audience, intermission will probably last a little longer... but I bet we still chop 5-10 minutes off this thing and get it going 70. 


Today was the first day that my voice felt a little tired.  It's from the fighting.  Sounds in fight choreography are very important and I make sounds throughout... grunts... yells... whatever.  The problem is, I don't always do a good job supporting my voice when I am fighting.  Sometimes I forget about proper breath technique when I have a 6'6 guys doing a two-handed hammer chop on my right lat! hahaha  It's been this way for years... it's a bad habit.  So, I'm not surprised that it is a little tired from all of the fighting yesterday and then the all-out rehearsal today.  I can baby my voice tomorrow, which means very little taking on the phone and no singing in the car... hahaha... and I'll drink a lot of liquids etc.  I know my voice very well and have been in a jam or two before when I was a younger actor.  I've learned a lot about how to take care of it when things are bad and how to recognize the warning signs so as to make sure things don't get bad.  This is not bad.  Nothing to worry about here.... but at the same time, I know not to ignore it too.  So don't call me on Monday... I probably won't pick up.  hahaha

Meanwhile...   I was stiff today.  Fights are all in the core and quads and my core, in particular, was feeling it!  Partially because I get beat on at moments... hahaha...  But it's all fun.  And it goes back to what I was saying about conditioning weeks ago.  The fight would be a lot harder had I not amped up my conditioning over the last two months.

So tomorrow is our final day off.  During the first three weeks our day off was on Friday.  This final week, our day off is Monday (there's a show on Friday!).  So I will take it really easy tomorrow... physically, vocally...  etc.    I may go to the mall tomorrow and get one of those 20 minute back massages in the middle of the freaking mall for 20 bucks. hahaha  Very excited about the coming week.  Now I just hope the weather holds out for us.  Nothing hurts outdoor Shakespeare like rain.

They have started to put cast pictures and bios up on the HART website.  If you want to see and learn more about some of the people I have been playing with...

Shout out of the day goes to my sister.  I don't even know if she is reading this thing but if you are, Happy Birthday!

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