Monday, June 25, 2012

6-25-2012 William = Cassio ?


Just looked at images of Prince William. Love it. Couldn't find a good picture of him standing in uniform but a great combo of military and elegance. One thing that is interesting is that if he isn't doing something with his right hand/arm, he keeps his hand in a fist. It's a little odd but I kind of like that. It doesn't leak classy... it leaks "I will punch you." Interesting...

Left hand on sword, right hand in a fist.

He likes to cross his arms / lock hands a lot.

Cross arms...

Cross arms....

Lock hands...

Not sure what that one is all about but I kind of like it.  Cassio has something going on with his hands and a little hand to the mouth thing could be fun to explore.

That is a cool shot.  Look how is right hand is a fist.  His left hand has control of that sword.  He's uptown but he'll clock you if he has to.  I like that.

Wonder how many hits this blog will get now that I have pictures of Prince William on it.  hahaha

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